Published 07.02.2023

Executive Board election 2022 results

Dear IRSS members,


it is our pleasure to announce the new elected Executive Board for the term 2023/24:


Vice-president: Chris Cornelis (61,02% of votes)

Secretary: Hong Yu (87,93% of votes)

Advisory Committee (AB) Chair: Davide Ciucci (94,92% of votes)

Steering Committee (SC) Chair: Tianrui Li (91,53% of votes)

PHD School Chair: Piotr Artiemjew (54,24% of votes)


Congratulations and good work!


We thank all the candidates: Hung Son Nguyen, Xiaodong Yue for their support to our society.



Best regards,

Duoqian Miao,

JingTao Yao,

Hong Yu,

Lukasz Sosnowski